Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Morning walk !

Good Morninggggggg! 
Have Magical Morning! 

Remember, we talked about perspective in our last article. well, I experienced something similar this morning.I am not a morning person and I hardly go for jogging. As my friends were getting in shape and working out with full dedication. I decided to go for morning walk but that resolution of mine last just for one day.But You know what?... something great happened that day which changed me spiritually. 

Kind of weird angle but that's my feet. While I was walking around in the garden, there was so much liveliness in the nature. I could feel the positivity passing by those plants. If you saw from my perspective I felt they are like us.They had different authenticity , each and every one of them had their own specialty. They all grow old , die and born again. Is't it amazing. I felt like I entered into the whole new fantasy world. 

 I didn't knew I could do photography this better. First time I observed this closely. The color combination and the placement of all leaves were just terrific. This couldn't be man's work, this is what I would like to call magic. I took this picture right after the rain, so the weather was blissful and I could see the rain drops nicely landed on the flowers. Beautiful set ups. 

I know ,this would defiantly reminds you of a fairy land.   

From now on I would suggest people to go for morning walk in the garden. That will defiantly bring peace and stability in to your personal and professional life. 

Thanks for stopping by. 
#keep #Dreaming 
- Archie!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

LIFE with a perspective!

Sometimes it only takes one perspective to change your life. I have noticed that people complain to much about what they don't have.Its better to see the beauty of what we already have, and understand our inner power to change the situation. It only takes positive attitude to change any situation. 
       Let me tell you a story, "We were having ceremony at our temple, and I was preparing a group dance to perform at the ceremony. There were 16 girls in our dance, we had been practiced almost two months. Now, we were about to show our practice to temple head, who was going to decide whether its good enough to perform or not. A girl name "ANKITA" got nervous and missed few steps during rehearsal. Our didi replaced her with other girl "HIRAL". She didn't say a word that time. Expression on her face had not change a bit. Thinking about that incident
on weekend I was feeling so bad about Ankita being replaced by some other girl. She came to practice regularly, was always volunteer to help, and now she is not in the DANCE. The next day we met for the dance practice. Something was bothering me from inside., I called ankita to dance for the same position and gave small role to hiral in the dance. 

See..... this is what i am talking about.....

as soon as hiral found out that she was not among the lead dancers she freaked out, saying "didi, told me to stay in the dance.You can't do this to me....." and many other emotional things which was not at all relevant to that situation. But everyone agreed with me because ankita deserved that place more than hiral. "
So the moral of the story is, we should have attitude like ankita when we have situation where we feel unjustified. Sometimes its better not to fight or not be quarrelsome. Just let your silence speaks for itself. :)  

Have a great weekend !